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Ancestral Prayer Weekend in Berlin - Brandenburg

Join us for a weekend of ceremony to remember, appreciate and make peace with those who walked before us and made it possible for you to be here.

We will enter a gentle healing space, where your prayers will be carried and amplified by the spirit of the fire, devotional music, medicinal offerings, and communal presence - harmoniously weaving our energies together with the ancestral spirits of this land.

Step into your power and share your voice

Your ancestors love you and the greatest joy you can bring them is to step into your power, share your gifts and talents and walk in peace and beauty on this Earth.

We intend to create a judgement free and safe container, where we recognise each other as our own healers and teachers. A co-creation where we share our prayers, gifts and talents.

Due to the nature of this work, we ask for you to reserve your space a few days in advance along with a 1on1 consultation, to ensure that all are sufficiently prepared and are entering the container with respect.

Featuring One Plantmedicine Ceremony, Cacao Ceremony, Voice and Movement Medicine Journey, Integration Circle, Vegan Food

For more info and to book email